

We always want to ensure that you have a positive experience when you contact us, and try to resolve your queries promptly, informatively and courteously. However, we acknowledge that sometimes problems can occur and are committed to resolving these with you. We also value your feedback in the event of a problem occurring. This page explains how and when to make a complaint.


Definition, inclusions and exclusions

Our definition of a complaint is: "… an expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about the standard of service, actions or lack of action by any part of this coordinating centre."

  • Complaints will generally include the following:
  • Failure to meet our legal obligations, e.g. Freedom of Information or Data Protection
  • Failure to meet our agreed policies and/or procedures
  • The unhelpful or insensitive attitude of an employee
  • Neglect or unreasonable delay in answering a query or responding to a request for service.

The complaints procedure excludes any matters that are currently the subject of litigation or legal proceedings or complaints by members of staff which are covered by University of Southampton’s grievance procedures.

Your complaint will be acknowledged within two working days and you will be given the timescale for our full reply. All complaints will be thoroughly investigated and you will be sent a full written response normally within 20 working days of your complaint being received.

If, however, we are unable to send a final response within that timescale, we will send you a holding reply telling you why and when you may expect to know the outcome.


What to do if you have a complaint: 

If you have a complaint, you can let us know by telephone, in writing, or by email . 

National Institute for Health and Care Research
Alpha House, University of Southampton
Southampton, SO16 7NS
Tel:  +44 (0)23 8059 5586

The Chief Executive Officer will review all the available information and investigation carried out.  


Complaint about requests under the Freedom of Information Act or Data Protection Act

Any requests for information under either the Freedom of Information or Data Protection Acts will be handled in conjunction with the University of Southampton Legal Services department. Please see our Freedom of Information page for further details.





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